
Baltic Winner'2020 and International dog shows in Palanga

As quarantine conditions are being relaxed, it is time to get back on the dog show stage!

Let‘s meet for our hobby again at the Lithuanian seaside!

Please follow the weekly fluctuations of COVID-19 cases for the most up-to-date information.


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The Druskininkai dog shows organising committee reminds...

The Lithuanian Kennel Club welcomes all participants to the International Dog Shows in Druskininkai!

For safety reasons we kindly ask all show participants to maintain safe distance from others, regularly disinfect and wash your hands.

3 International Dog Shows in Druskininkai

3 International Dog Shows to be held in Druskininkai on 7-8-9 August (Mizarų str. 59, Druskininkai)..

The entries for 30-31 May International Dog Shows in Moletai that were cancelled due to quarantine can be transferred to Druskininkai shows.

Show visitors are kindly invited to see a variety of dog breeds and socialise with breeders. 

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday visitors are welcome from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

Best In Show competition starts at 3 p.m. 

Only vaccinated and identified dogs are admitted to the show area.


Info about Druskininkai show –
Info about Palanga show –

Photo by Rolandas Basakirskas 

International Dog Show in Moletai are cancelled

We are sorry to announce that due to the threat of Covid-19 the Lithuanian Kennel Club has to cancel international and speciality club shows that were to be held in Radziunai, Moletu district on 29 – 31 May 2020.  


The Lithuanian Kennel Club cancels all planned canine events

Following the decision of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania regarding COVID–19 pandemics from 13 March the Lithuanian Kennel Club cancels all planned canine events.

These measures apply till 13 April and the term may be prolonged in case of necessity.

We kindly remind you that the office of the Lithuanian Kennel Club is closed from March 13.

In case of necessity please contact us by e-mail; telephone +370 615 99 873 (10.00 - 16.00 h).

6 - 8 March – International Dog Shows in Vilnius

The Lithuanian Kennel Club gladly welcomes you to the international dog shows to be held on 06, 07 and 08 March 2020 at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO, Halls 3, 4 and 5 (Laisves av. 5, Vilnius).

International Dog Shows in Vilnius

The Lithuanian Kennel Club gladly welcomes you to the international dog shows to be held on 20, 21 and 22 December 2019 at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO, Halls 3, 4 and 5.

Welcome to the Dog Shows on March 6-7-8!

Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO and the Lithuanian Kennel club welcome international dog and cat shows participants and visitors to the events to be held on 6 – 8 March 2020. 
Amid the outbreak of Coronal Virus in Lithuania the representatives of LITEXPO advise the visitors to keep calm and do not spread unjustified panics.
Health and safety of our employees and visitors is our top priority! Therefore, we would like to reassure that we follow all official recommendations of the Government and do not cancel the events, however, implement the following prevention measures: 
-    regularly disinfect all touched surfaces during and after events; 
-    possess  disinfectants and facemasks;
-    premise ventilation works at the maximum mode – the air in the premises is completely renewed in 40 min and even faster in smaller areas; 
-    we have taken care of preventive items and are ready to react. 

Litexpo information

Литовский выставочный и конгресс-центр Litexpo совместно с Обществом кинологов Литвы приглашает участников и зрителей международных выставок собак и кошек на мероприятия, которые состоятся 6-8 марта.
 Мы призываем вас реагировать спокойно и не вызывать необоснованный страх или панику по поводу коронавируса (Covid-19), достигшего Литвы. Здоровье и безопасность – наш главный приоритет, и мы хотим успокоить и заверить всех в том, что мы соблюдаем официальные рекомендации правительства и не отменяем мероприятия.  С тем чтобы обеспечить наилучшую возможную превенцию, мы:
·         Дополнительно дезинфицируем поверхности до, после и во время мероприятия;
·         У нас есть дезинфицирующая жидкость и защитные маски;
·         Вентиляция внутренних помещений работает в максимальном режиме - воздух в помещениях полностью регенерируется в течение 40 минут, а в небольших помещениях - еще быстрее;
Мы обеспечены всеми профилактическими мерами и готовы реагировать.

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